AI Hub illustrations
role: art director
We were tasked with creating illustrative banners on the AI Hub home for their launch. At the time, Google was exploring illustration styles and gave my team the flexibility of mixing 2D and 3D styles into one. One of the main requests was to steer clear of becoming too technical in our approach of these intricate tools and lean into whimsical characters.
Visual designers: Dianne Vallier, Hyam Fyan, Nathan Runyan
Creative Director: Brittney Roach-Cline
AI Hub Public Collection - Main Login Banner
This illustration takes the cityscape to show vast content through visualized pipelines as well as creating a sense of place. It introduces characters into the city to indicate user-friendliness, discovery, and playfulness to the composition.
AI Hub Private Collection
By incorporating houses to symbolize a smaller community and adding a wall around the estate, this conveys a gated location, safely restricted information.
Abstraction of shapes helped us to portray the TensorFlow modules as they duplicate into different datasets through rectangles and squares. Characters tend to the datasets throughout the scene to add a human and playful tone to the composition.
This illustration promotes simplicity and visualizes pipelines in a more playful way by showcasing characters exploring through the landscape of end-to-end solutions.